Game Situation
- No Callers: All players make the Fold or Check action. If there
are not callers HM will take the action of this column (In Preflop the
blinds are not counted as "callers", except if the SmallBlind
complete the bet).
- If N Callers: If the callers number fulfills this condition HM will take the action of the column "Do
Call", but HM will take the action of the column "Else Call", when there are callers but no
- R1: We have not made any action (or we have made the "Check" action in
the previous turn). A player makes the "Raise" action. We have to bet 2 bets (In
Preflop if we are BigBlind we would only bet 1 bet more).
- R2: We have not made any action ( or we have made the "Check" action in
the previous turn). A player makes the "Reraise" action. We have to bet
3 bets (In Preflop if we are BigBlind we would only bet 2 bets more).
- R3: We have not made any action ( or we have made the "Check"
action in the previous turn). A player makes the "2nd Reraise"
action. We have to bet 4 bets (In Preflop if we are BigBlind we would only bet
3 bets more).
In case a player makes a "Raise" action we will play another turn in the
round, HM will take the actions of the following strategy columns:
(The name of these columns is divided with "/ ", the first part indicates the action that we made in a previous turn and the second part the action made by a player in current
- Call/R1: We have made the "Call" or "Bet"
action in the previous turn. In the current turn a player makes the "Raise"
action. We have to bet 1 bet more.
Previous Turn |
Current Turn |
- CallR1/R2: A player made the "Raise"
action in the previous turn and our action was "Call".
In the current turn a player makes the "Reraise"
action. We have to bet 1 bet more.
Previous Turn |
Current Turn |
- Call/R2: We have made the "Call" or "Bet"
action in the previous turn. In the current turn a player makes the "Raise"
action and another player makes the "Reraise" action. We have to bet
2 bets more.
Previous Turn |
Current Turn |
- R1/R2: We have made the "Raise" action in the previous
turn. In the current turn a player makes the "Reraise" action. We have to bet
1 bet more.
Previous Turn |
Current Turn |
- Call/R3: We have made the "Call" or "Bet"
action in the previous turn. In the current turn a player makes the "Raise"
action, another player makes the "Reraise" action and another
player makes the "2nd Reraise" action. We have to bet 3 bets more.
Previous Turn |
Current Turn |
- CallR2/R3: A player made the "Raise" action and another
player made the "Reraise" action in the previous turn and our
action was "Call". In the current turn a player makes the "2nd
Reraise" action. We have to bet 1 bet more.
Current Turn
- R1/CallR2/R3: We have made the "Raise" action in the
first previous turn.. A player made the "Reraise" action in the
second previous turn and our action was "Call". In the current
turn a player makes the "2nd Reraise" action. We have to bet 1 bet
more. Note: This case is the same as the previous case but with the difference that
here we have made the
Raise action.
Previous Turn
Previous Turn
Current Turn
- R2/R3: We have made the "Reraise" action in the previous
turn. In the current turn a player makes the "2nd Reraise" action.
We have to bet 1 bet more.
Current Turn
- CallR1/R3: A player made the "Raise" action in the
previous turn and our action was "Call". In the current turn a player makes the
"Reraise" action and another player makes the "2nd Reraise"
action. We have to bet 2 bets more.
Current Turn
- R1/R3: We have made the "Raise" action in the previous
turn. In the current turn a player makes the "Reraise" action and
another player makes the "2nd Reraise" action. We have to bet 2
bets more.
Current Turn
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